The Slovak government yesterday adopted a bylaw regarding the travel restriction when traveling to Slovakia. The rules of restriction will be governed by “traffic light system” , that divides the countries across the globe into three tiers based on the risk of infection. The very good news for EU citizens, it is that EU will be considered as one state, and all rules will be applied on all EU countries equally.
Green Countries:
- all the EU countries
- Australia, China, Taiwan, Greenland, Lichtenstein, Iceland, Israel, San Marino, South Korea, Switzerland, Macau, Norway, New Zeland, Singapore.
The rules valid when traveling to Slovakia from green countries
- free entrance for visitors who already have been vaccinated
- free entrance for those who have recovered from COVID in the past 180 days
- free entrance for kids up to 18 years
All other people from “green countries” need to entrance to Slovakia either negative antigen test not older than 48 hours, or PCR test not older than 72 hours.
Red Countries:
- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Canada, Kazachstan, Cuba, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mongolia, Russian Federation, North Macedonia, Serbia, USA, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
The rules valid when traveling to Slovakia from red countries:
- Negative PCR test not older than 72 hours
Black Countries:
- all countries who are not either green & or red
For visitors from black countries it is obligation to proceed obligatory 14 days quarantine.
The “traffic lights system” will be updated every two weeks according to the current pandemic situation.
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